To Karekare Residents & Ratepayers
Draft Regional Parks Management Plan - what does it mean for Karekare?
The proposed 10 year plan is very important for the future of the Waitakere Ranges and communities within it. In the new Draft Regional Parks Management Plan (DRPMP), Karekare is proposed to be in "Category 1b: Destination". This category is focussed on recreation and development for visitors to access the park.
The Karekare Residents & Ratepayers Trust (KKRRPT) would prefer that Karekare remain "Category 1a: Natural and Cultural", focussing on the protection of natural, cultural and landscape values, with minimal development and infrastructure.
We are also concerned that the closing date for submissions is 4th March, which does not allow Auckland Council to include the results from the Kauri Dieback Survey, due in April 2022. The Kauri Dieback Survey will give Auckland Council sound science with regard to tramping tracks in the Waitakeres.
Please find attached the KKRRPT submission, with thanks to Sandra Coney for her analysis, which helped greatly with our submission.
We encourage you to make your own submission, and you are welcome to base it on ours (for a copy in Microsoft Word, email Jenny Taylor
The closing date for submissions is Friday 4th March 2022.
Here is the draft plan:
Send your submission to:
Jenny Taylor
Secretary, KKRRPT
Jenny Taylor
3 Karekare Road, RD 2
New Lynn 0772
Tel (09) 812 8506 Mob (0274) 779 821